Bianchi 57 Remedy, Bia 25054 57 Remedy Sw Jframe 2 Rh Sz01 Blk

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The 57 remedy concealed weapon holster offers an open-top design for semi-automatics and small frame revolvers and provides quick and easy access to the gun.This model features deep contour molding on the front of the holster for improved comfort and to reveal the shape of the handgun it secures.Designed for hip or rear hip carry, the model 57 is a leather belt holster of timeless style and quality.

Belt Size: 1.50"
Type: Belt Holster
Color: Black
Material: Leather
Size: 01
Hand: Right
Finish: Smooth
Firearm Fit: S&W J Frame
Other Firearms Fit: Similar J Frame
Mount Type: Belt Slide
Gun Type: Pistol
Compartments: 1