Bianchi 5bhl Thumbsnap, Bia 13652 5bhl Thumbsnap Tan

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The 19l thumbsnap leather hi-ride holster is worn on the hip close to the body for concealability with soft suede lining for protection of the firearm.Made for semiautomatics it features a traditional thumb break design and carries the pistol at a slight forward cant.It has a wide belt loop for stability, a low-cut leading edge and bianchi's sight channel to protect the front sights.

Belt Size: 1.75-2.25"
Type: Belt Holster
Color: Tan
Material: Leather
Hand: Right
Finish: Smooth
Firearm Fit: Ruger RedHawk
Other Firearms Fit: Wesson 41/44 Magnum
Mount Type: Belt Loop
Gun Type: Revolver
Compartments: 1